Wednesday 25 November 2009

Music Video Independent Research

The term "pop song" is first recorded as being used in 1926 in the sense of a piece of music "having popular appeal.Starting in the 1950s the term "pop music" has been used to describe a distinct genre, aimed at a youth market. Pop music began in the 1950's as a softer alternative to rock music which is where most of its stlylistic origins came from along with jazz, doo-woop and dance music.

Three Kings/Queens of pop are:

  • Madonna

  • Michael Jackson

  • Britney Spears

it is hard to tell what the first music video ever made was, however 'video killed the radio star' was the first video to be played on tv, on MTV in 1981.Most people were excited by the invention of music videos as it gave them an oppurtunity to see their favourite artist regularly and in a new light. the track 'video killed the radio star' celebrates the golden days of radio, describing a singer whose career is cut short by television. the theme of the song is mainly nostalgia. Music videos have evolved tremendously over the last 10 years, in terms of performances, narration, costumes, themes and especially special effects.

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