Wednesday 25 November 2009

Textual Analysis Snoop Dogg Video

I will be analysing the video for snoop dogg song 'sensual seduction' released in 2007. the video has a 70's style theme which goes with the song as it also has an old-school sound. there is not a definitive narrative about this song and like most hip hop or rap songs its general theme is about women, sex and drugs. women are represented as sexy or sexual and we get an impression that thier sole purpose in the video is to entertain and please men.
stereotypes of women are somewhat confirmed as sex kittans for example by their clothing in the video which is very sexy and glamorous.Snoop Dog is the only main male in the video and is represnted as a dominant boss like figure, who is surrounded by beautiful women wanting toplease him. this is a sterotype often associated with men as it seen to be every mans fantasy nd the text elumintaes this. i think those stereotypes have been used for both women, beacuse its something that audiences can relate to, as steretypes are familiar and easily recognisable. female audiences are most likely to respond negatively to this text as its nothing they can relate to, the songs lyrics are a males objectifiaction of women and the video supports this with half-naked women andd the video supports these representations by the costumes that the women in the video wear, which are revealing while snoop dogg sports a 70's style suit.
i would say that the tagert audience for thistext would be mainly gender or anyone whos enjoys this genre of music.

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